New to F3?

Not sure whether F3 is right for you? Looking to learn a bit more about us before coming out? You're in the right place.

What is F3?

F3 is a network of nearly 4,000 free, outdoor, peer-led workouts for men throughout the nation and across the world. F3 isn't a gated community of fitness zealots; the men of F3 are just like you, and they're ready to welcome you into our community.

There's a lot more to F3 than just a good workout. The F3 community revolves around the three F's: Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith®.


This one is obvious, but important. When we get together to work out, it's not a competition: no matter your age, ability, or fitness level, you won't be judged. Workouts are all you vs. you, and you'll find support and encouragement from the men around you.

Simply put, F3 workouts are about giving you opportunities to push yourself, engage in the shared struggle of a beatdown, and even exercise your leadership as a workout Q.


F3 is a place where you can foster authentic relationships with other men. You can join us for coffee after every beatdown, and there are open invitations to all sorts of events, from poker nights and pub crawls to ski trips and family camps. Most men will tell you that while the workout drew them in initially, the fellowship is what keeps them coming back.

We're trying to kill the disease of isolation that's afflicts so many men. F3 is the brotherhood you didn't know you desperately needed.


F3 is not a religious group. So what does faith have to do with our mission? Our version of faith is about believing in something greater than just yourself. That's why you'll find fellow men encouraging one another in their journeys as husbands, fathers, sons, and community leaders.

Getting in shape is about more than just physical fitness. If you want to work at better serving those around you, F3 is the right community to immerse yourself in.

How do I prepare for an F3 workout?

Don't overthink it too much. We're open to all men, so come as you are regardless of your fitness level. You'll be welcomed warmly (even when it's freezing out).

Keep in mind that our workouts are all outdoors. Wear weather-appropriate workout clothes you don't mind getting dirty, and wear a quality pair of workout shoes. Unless you have farmer hands, you'll probably also want a pair of work gloves to protect your hands from pavement. On winter mornings when it's dark, a headlamp isn't a bad idea either.

Hydration is also a wise way to prepare. Drink water beforehand, and have something to drink afterwards too.

What's an F3 workout like?

Plan to arrive a few minutes before the workout starts to introduce yourself and meet the men you'll be working out with.

Our bootcamp-style workouts last from 45 minutes to an hour. They usually start with some warmup, then dive into tougher exercises that fill most of the time. We always finish up with a Circle of Trust (CoT).

Bootcamp workouts involve a pretty wide variety of exercises, all with completely normal names (such as Hillbilly Walkers, J Lo's, and Monkey Humpers). You can always ask for a demo of an exercies, or just watch what everyone else is doing. We like naming things in F3, and we may even name you...

What if I'm not fit enough for the workout?

Our workouts aren't about proving how strong you are. They're about giving you an opportunity to compete against yourself; the only way to lose is by not competing at all.

It's also more common than you think that a workout is, in some way or another, too hard. You could be plain exhausted, or you could be recovering from a particular injury. Whatever the reason, you are encouraged to modify your exercise so you don't get hurt. If a push-up is painful, try planking or squatting. If you're feeling light-headed, take a bit to catch your breath. No one will bat an eye.

Bottom line: if you have a desire to get in shape and a willingness to push yourself, you're ready for an F3 workout.

How much does all this cost?

Absolutely nothing. F3 workouts are all free. If you're still looking for a discount, you can use the code F-N-G (friendly new guy) to get 1,000% off the $0 price tag.

I'm still not sure.

You might still be on the fence about coming because...

It's way too early in the morning.

Yes, 5:30am is early. It's also the best time to get your day started by putting aside the rest of the world and accomplishing something difficult. It sounds crazy, but you'll grow to love the satisfaction that comes from making the most of the morning.

If 5:30am is still too early, we have a few workouts at 7:00am (usually on Saturdays), as well as evening workouts at 6:30pm. Don't let the time be the barrier!

I'm too old for this.

The men of F3 Kirkland range in age from 20 to 80. Not kidding. These men aren't out in the gloom because they're in peak physical condition. They're out there to take part in something larger than just a workout, and something much larger than themselves. You're never too old for that.

I've already got a workout routine.

Great! Hopefully that fitness routine, in addition to getting you in the best shape of your life, gives you the chance to build fellowship with a brotherhood of men and improve yourself as a leader in all aspects of your life.

On the off-chance that it doesn't, though, maybe give us a try.

What's the next step?

The next step is to find a workout near you and show up! Visit our workouts page, find one near you, set your alarm, and come ready to work hard.

Find a Workout!